Men and fashion is kind of like going to the dentist. Things either go really well and you leave with a perfectly bright white smile; or they go horribly wrong and you’re left facing a root canal.

However, whether the wardrobe of the man in your life needs just a routine cleaning or some major surgery, you should have him check out Trunk Club.

Trunk Club: there should be a better way for men to find great clothes

This ingenious company has found a way around the major deterrents which keep men from embracing some wardrobe rejuvenation. Trunk Club does everything for their clients. The man in question just simply has to fill out a profile, either online or on the phone, to help the expert stylists understand a bit more about his likes and dislikes. Then Trunk Club packs a literal trunk full of clothes for him and mails it to his house. He chooses what he wants and sends the rest back in said trunk with a pre-paid FedEx label.

It really can’t get easier or more fail-proof than this, ladies! Before you start asking,  what’s the catch, here is some more info:

  • Members only pay for the clothes they keep
  • There is no membership fee
  • Wardrobe selection is classified as upscale casual wear; think jeans, chinos, shirts, sweaters, etc. – no suits!
  • Prices range from $70 (for shirts) to $250 (for pants and denim)
  • Trunk Club buys clothes wholesale and then charges retail prices, the same you’d find at the Nordstroms of the world, which is how they make their money
  • ….allowing the service and shipping to remain entirely free of cost

Like the sound of it? Buy your man (whether it’s your significant other, dad, uncle, brother – any man in your life!) a gift card for him to try it out for himself!