What? There is such a thing? I have to admit, I have never heard of it but was intrigued when I found that today was National Peanut Butter Day, National Compliment Day and National Belly Laugh Day. This is quite the trifecta. My mind is already teeming with interesting combinations for participating in these three “holidays”! I am an avid peanut butter lover and can’t resist a good, gut-wrenching, tear-inducing belly laugh, but I am most interested in making today National Compliment Day.

While I’d like to make the point that every day should be a day of complimenting, I also realize that life can sometimes get in the way of people being nice. Perhaps we are too focused on that morning meeting to notice that Sally in HR got a haircut. We could just be too busy to notice that our significant other whipped up a culinary treat that even Gordon Ramsay couldn’t be upset at.

However, I also believe that sometimes our attitude and our own demons can prevent us from making others feel good about themselves. Maybe we are too self conscious about our own weight to mention to our sister that she looks fantastic sans that 10 pounds she’s been working so hard to lose. Jealousy can rear its ugly head and render us speechless when we see our best friend rocking that expensive pair of shoes we wish we could afford.

I am sure women everywhere can relate. For some reason, women often feel the need to take each other down just as quickly as we can build each other up. As a disclaimer, please understand I know this is a generalization, but it is not unfounded. Just watch Mean Girls if you don’t believe me.

So, in honor of this new holiday discovery (and the fact that I haven’t really set up too many New Year’s Resolutions for myself), I am going to set out to make every day a little smidge of a compliment day. You never know what a large impact a simple compliment can make on someone’s day, so why not test it out! By the way, did I tell you that you look just fabulous today? 🙂