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Well, almost 48 hours! I arrived late Tuesday night but haven’t really stopped since!
So far, I am loving San Francisco. The Left Coast ain’t so bad, folks!
My trip was not really for pleasure, as I’m working all week, but who can resist mixing a little business and pleasure?
I’ve spent the last two days at my office which is kind of a tourist event in of itself since this is the view:
Yesterday evening, I was able to meet up with my friend Marisa who recently relocated to this fine city and our friend Greg who is also in town. We ate at a fabulous sushi restaurant named Ryoko. The wait was a half hour but boy was it worth it! Some of the most interesting sushi combos I’ve ever seen!
This morning I treated myself to a walk around Union Square before coming to work. The highlight of my day thus far? Noshing on grilled salmon and arugula atop Gap Headquarter’s roofdeck taking this in:
Tough life huh?
On tap tonight? Dinner with family in just an hour! Can’t wait!
I’ll have tons more to share later in the week. Have any suggestions for me?
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It’s a summer weekend in DC. The weather is almost as fabulous as you are and you want to enjoy it with your even more fabulous friends. But where on earth can you go? After all, you need a place worthy of all that fabulousness.
Well darlings, the Ritz-Carlton Georgetown has heard you! And, boy, have they delivered!
The Ritz-Carlton, Georgetown is hosting tons of fun summer events!
Starting this weekend, the Ritz Carlton Georgetown is hosting complimentary events for locals.
Each Friday night, viewers can screen “Movies by Moonlight” and on Saturday mornings, head on over to stretch your limber limbs with free yoga demonstrations by one of my personal favorites, Lululemon. Oh – and you’re not done! Don’t forget to frequent the Ritz on Sundays for a cocktail party from 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm to get your drink and dance on, featuring a DJ, fun cocktails, half-price bottles of wine, a seasonal tapas menu and the ever-classy bucket of beer.
All of these events will take place in the property’s new Urban Garden that holds up to 90 people. The first drive-in movie screening is “Ghost Busters” on July 6th.
Yoga runs from this Saturday, June 30th through September 8th at 9:00 am sharp. Be the first to sip on the hotel themed cocktails (including the Fresa Chiller, Urban Sunset and the Skippy Surprise) at the cocktail party this Sunday, July 1st.
Don’t miss out on all the fun! Check out the hotel’s event calendar here for more info on all their summer events.
Way to go Ritz! Thanks for giving us a place for all our fabulousness.
*Also, a tip, don’t get the Georgetown location confused with the West End Ritz off of M Street. The Georgetown hotel is at 3100 South Street, NW.
Summer is a fabulous season. It bring sunshine, warm weather and fantastic memories. Along with said benefits comes the potential of needing to be in a bathing suit at any time with no notice. Yay bikini season!
If you’re still working off that little extra bit of padding that made its way on to your delicate frame this winter (um, bears hibernate, so can we), I highly recommend you take a trip to lululemon. At lululemon, you can find all you need to look fabulous even if you don’t feel so fabulous as your sweaty, huffing and puffing self. With an endless assortment of tops, bottoms and accessories, you can search for your new workout wears by sport, function or just because it looks pretty. And trust me, all their things look pretty. Now, I will caution you. The price point is probably a bit more than you are used to paying for some sweaty gym clothes. However, the price is worth it for most items, as the quality is top notch.
As a runner, I discovered lulu about midway through training for my first marathon in 2008. I purchased a pair of running crops (similar to these) for training. With a nearly $90 price tag, I wasn’t sure I could afford anything else. Four years later, I am training for my third marathon with those same pair of pants. So ladies and gents, consider lulu purchases as a bit of an investment. They will last and they will look darn good on you, too.
Their items are designed to flatter, taking into account all of the things that make slipping on spandex and stretchy fabrics less than exciting, including muffin top. You can get double time out of many of their items as their leggings, yoga pants and tops can work their way into your daytime wardrobe. Did I mention that the brand is not afraid of color either?
Here are some of the goods on my wish list:
Run: Sun Sprinter Crops – $88 (comes in purple, pink and black)Run: Tie And Fly Tank – $52 (pink, neon yellow, purple and black)Run: For Your Money Tank – $68
Who says you can’t look good while working on your fitness? The company is also committed to community involvement and works with local fitness studios to offer complimentary classes.
Find out which store is closest to you and check out their calendar! For you DCers, there are stores in Clarendon, Logan Circle, Georgetown and Tysons. Check it out for yourself and let me know what your favorites are!