Summer is coming to a close. The days of heat stroke inducing humidity are retreating and soon we will no longer have to live in fear of pit stains at every turn. We can put away the bikinis, short shorts and other assorted skin-baring clothing in exchange for Fall’s wardrobe of pants, long-sleeves, jackets and scarves.

While my inner fat kid is rejoicing at the impending lack of dietary restrictions which go hand in hand with the lack of bikini-wearing, I can’t help but lament the fact that summer has gone by so quickly. There was so much I wanted to do that will have to be tabled until next summer or hopefully, squeezed in during the little time we have left!

Well, we’ve only got a few weeks to go, so let’s make the most of it…by staring at some awesome summer-worthy outfits. As we prepare to bid adieu to a heat record breaking summer, let’s make the most of our seasonal favorites, show some skin and break some head index records of our own!

Here are some of my favorite short-shorts looks. All of you who have gams worthy of such baring, wear away:

So long summer...
So long summer… by kerrychannon featuring shorts